Max Headshots

Max Headshots London


Max founded Max Headshots as he saw a gap in the market for professional studio headshots at an affordable price. 

Max realizes most of us aren’t professional models so you will be directed to look your best with empathy, respect and humour. He loves giving people great photos of themselves, sometimes the first they’re really happy with.

Max understands the role of well-executed professional headshots in projecting the right image – whether for actors, executives or companies. 

As well as headshot photography, he loves creating art with his camera and has had two solo art shows in London, the second at Waterloo station in April 2024.

Max lives in London with his wife and three children. 

Max Marshall
Portrait example Max Headshots
A portrait studio session enables more time to experiment with different themes, such as this shot of a sushi chef.
Marshall's creative style is big, bold and colourful